
Tuesday, May 30, 2006


ABC News reported that Iran's President, Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, has been quoted as saying European nations should stand by his country in the dispute over its nuclear program or suffer damages.

SMCCDI reported that tens of Islamist militiamen have taken over the Tehran's College of Law in an effort to increase terror and smash any protest action.

Amir Taheri, Arab News reported on the unrest in Iran's provinces.

Monday, May 29, 2006

BILINGUAL - Farsi-English - Rape in Iran's Prisons

در رژیم اسلامی به زنان زندانی تجاوز می کنند
مصاحبه روزنامه دیلی تلگراف با رویا طلوعی
سایت روزآنلاین: يکي از زنان فعال طرفدار دموکراسي که سال گذشته به اتهامات واهي محکوم و زنداني شد، افشا کرد که ماموران حکومت چگونه به زنان زنداني تجاوزمي کنند. رويا طلوعي، 40 ساله، هنگامي که از امضا کردن ورقه اعترافاتي که بزور از او گرفته بودند، سر باز زد، مورد ضرب و شتم و تجاوز ماموران وزارت اطلاعات قرار گرفت. زماني که او را تهديد کردند که دو فرزندش را در مقابل چشمانش آتش مي زنند، قبول کرد که نامش را پاي ورقه بنويسد.
کلمات رکيک مردي که به او حمله کرد، شايد به اندازه آزار جسماني اين حمله وحشتناک بود. طلوعي، هفته گذشته در مصاحبه با ساندي تلگراف در واشنگتن گفت: "وقتي از آن مرد پرسيدم چطور مي تواني اين بلا را به سر من بياوري، او گفت که فقط به دو چيز اعتقاد دارد، اسلام و حکم روحانيون. اما من مي دانم که هيچ ديني نمي تواند کاري که آنها با من و زنان ديگر انجام دادند را توجيه کند. دين براي اين آدم ها فقط وسيله اي براي استعمار و سوءاستفاده است. اين حکومتي است که با زنان، رژيم هاي ديگر، قوميت هاي ديگر و با هر کسي که نظري مخالف داشته باشد، مخالف است."
اظهارات خانم طلوعي درباره سختي هايي که کشيده است، برگزارش اخير مخالفان حکومت که مي گويند ماموران وزارت اطلاعات به زنان زنداني تجاوز مي کنند و با اين روش از آنها اعتراف مي گيرند و قبل از اعدام به دختران جوان تجاوز مي کنند تا به عنوان باکره به بهشت وارد نشوند، تاييد مي کند.
تعداد کمي از زنان دنياي اسلام حاضر مي شوند حتي در ميان خودشان درباره اين موضوع صحبت کنند، اما خانم طلوعي مي گويد که حکومت بارها زنان زنداني را مورد تجاوز جنسي قرار داده است. او وقتي درباره تجربه زندانش صحبت مي کند، صدايش به نجوا تبديل مي شود و بغض گلويش را مي گيرد، اميدوار است که نيما، پسر شش ساله اش که در رستوران هتل پيتزا مي خورد، ناراحت نشود. اما نيما سعي مي کند او را دلداري بدهد. او با لحني غمزده مي گويد: "خوشم نمي آيد مامان از زندان حرف بزند. گريه اش مي گيرد." خانم طلوعي که انجمني از زنان در کردستان ايران تشکيل داد و مجله اي ماهانه منتشر مي کرد که تابستان سال گذشته توقيف شد و ماه اوت سال گذشته به دليل شرکت در تظاهرات ضد رژيم در شهر سنندج که به تمام مناطق کرد نشين سرايت کرد، بازداشت شد.
رويا طلوعي درباره نحوه بازداشتش مي گويد: "چهار مرد و سه زن مسلح شبانه به خانه ام حمله کردند و من را با خودشان بردند. بچه هايم گريه مي کردند. تمام شب بازجو هاي مختلف از من بازجويي کردند و بعد من را به زندان انفرادي انداختند." او را با يک پتو و يک ليوان که براي ادرار هم از آن استفاده مي کرد، در زندان مخوف وزارت اطلاعات در سلول انفرادي زنداني کردند.
شش شب پياپي در زير زمين زندان از او بازجويي شد و بازجو ها از او مي خواستند که اعتراف کند که تظاهرات را او بر پا کرده و از روي فهرستي که جلويش گذاشته بودند، هويت همکارانش را در اين توطئه فاش کند.
"وقتي از انجام کاري که خواسته بودند سر باز زدم، به من سيلي زدند. اما بعد از شش شب، روش عوض شد. من را با دو مرد در يک اتاق تاريک کوچک تنها گذاشتند. يکي از آنها که خودش را اميري معرفي کرد، معاون دادستان بود. مرد ديگري بسيار بد دهن بود و حرف هاي رکيک مي زد. آنها پشت سر هم به من سيلي زدند. بقيه شب کاري با من کردند هيچ زني هرگز نبايد تجربه اش بکند. اميري گفت که من تو را به دار مي زنم، اما قبل از آن، بلايي به سرت مي آورم که ديگر هيچ زني جرات کند، دهنش را اينجا باز کند." بعد به او تجاوز کرد.
وقتي او از اميري مي پرسيد که چطور مي تواند دست به چنين کاري بزند؟ اميري به او مي گفت که فقط اسلام و حکم روحانيون براي او اهميت دارد. حمله آنها باعث کبودي و خونريزي اش شده بود، اما او همچنان از امضاي ورقه سر باز مي زد. او در مقابل از حمله کننده خشنش مي خواست که با يک وکيل ملاقات کند و با فعالان بين المللي حقوق بشر گفتگو کند.
شب بعد، به دليل اينکه هنوز خون ريزي مي کرد و به اصطلاح "نجس" شده بود، مورد آزار جنسي قرار نگرفت. در عوض به او گفتند که فرزندانش را در مقابل چشمانش آتش مي زنند.
عاقبت در هم مي شکند. خانم طلوعي مي گويد: "خودم را به پاهاي اميري انداختم و التماس کردم به بچه هايم آسيب نرساند. گفتم که هر کاري که بخواهند انجام مي دهم و هر چيزي را که بخواهند، امضا مي کنم." او اعتراف مي کند که با مصاحبه کردن با رسانه هاي بيگانه و رهبري تظاهرات، عليه رژيم توطئه کرده است، اما مي گويد که همدستي نداشته است.
بعد از گذراندن چند شب ديگر در انفرادي، به زندان عمومي زنان منتقل مي شود و در آنجا با زخم هاي چرکين ساير زنداني ها که بر اثر ضربات شلاق بوجود آمده بود، مواجه مي شود.
او در حالي که سعي مي کرد شان و شايستگي اش را حفظ کند، به زنان ديگر درباره اصول اوليه حقوق بشر آموزش هايي داد و کمک کرد تا براي اولين بار وسايل کمک هاي اوليه براي آنها تهيه بشود. او مي گويد: "يک احساس رفاقت خوب بين مان شکل گرفته بود."
خانم طلوعي بعد از تحمل 66 روز زندان، با قرار وثيقه آزاد شد و او دليل آزاديش را چنين توضيح مي دهد: "چون رژيم به آنچه که مي خواست، رسيده بود." اما او همچنان براي جان فرزندانش احساس خطر مي کرد، به همين دليل تصميم به فرار مي گيرد. ابتدا او و نيما به ترکيه مي روند و دختر چهارده ساله اش شيما هم از طريق قاچاق، به آنها مي پيوندد.
گروهي از مخالفان رژيم به نام اتحاديه زنان ايران، از ترس دسترسي ماموران حکومت که گفته مي شد پناهندگان را به قتل مي رسانند، به آنها کمک مي کنند تا ماه گذشته به آمريکا بروند.
خانم طلوعي پناهندگي سياسي گرفته و منتظر است تا مبارزه اش را با تهران آغاز کند. اقوامش هنوز در ايران زندگي مي کنند و به دلايل امنيتي از گفتن جزئيات خودداري مي کند اما مي گويد که خانواده اش براي او دعاي خير کرده اند تا بتواند حرف هايش را با وجود عواقب احتمالي آن آزادانه بگويد.
توجه جهاني روي مسائل اتمي ايران و رئيس جمهور تندرو اش که در زماني که او در زندان بسر مي برد روي کار آمد، معطوف شده است. اما خانم طلوعي معتقد است که تغيير زيادي در ايران صورت نگرفته است. او مي گويد: "بعضي وقت ها به نظر مي رسد که حکومت بهتر شده است و بعضي وقت ها به نظر بدتر مي آيد، اما مردم ايران همچنان عذاب مي کشند."

Dissident Tells of Assaults and Threats Against Children During 66 Days in Jail Run by Iran's Cleric A leading Iranian pro-democracy and women's activist, who was jailed on trumped-up charges last year, has revealed how the clerical regime cynically deploys systemic sexual violence against female dissidents in the name of Islam. Roya Tolouee, 40, was beaten up by Iranian intelligence agents and subjected to a horrific sexual assault when she refused to sign forced confessions. It was only when they threatened to burn her two children to death in front of her that she agreed to put her name to the documents. Perhaps just as shocking as the physical abuse were the chilling words of the man who led the attack. "When I asked how he could do this to me, he said that he believed in only two things - Islam and the rule of the clerics," Miss Tolouee told The Sunday Telegraph last week in an interview in Washington after she fled Iran. "But I know of no religious morality that can justify what they did to me, or other women. For these people, religion is only a tool for dictatorship and abuse. It is a regime of prejudice against women, against other regimes, against other ethnic groups, against anybody who thinks differently from them." Miss Tolouee's account of her ordeal confirms recent reports from opposition groups that Iranian intelligence officials use sexual abuse against female prisoners as an interrogation technique and even rape young women before execution so that they cannot reach heaven as virgins. Few women from the Islamic world are willing to discuss such matters, even with each other, but Miss Tolouee said that the regime routinely committed sexual attacks against female detainees. She dropped her voice to a whisper and sobbed quietly as she described her experience, hoping not to upset her six-year-old son, Nima, as he picked at a piece of pizza in a hotel restaurant. But he tried to comfort her. "I don't like it when my mummy talks about prison. It makes her cry," he said sadly. Miss Tolouee, who founded a women's group in Iranian Kurdistan and then launched a monthly magazine that was closed down by the judiciary last summer, was detained in the city of Sanandaj in August after taking part in anti-regime demonstrations that spread across Kurdish areas. "Four armed men and three armed women barged into my house at night and took me away," she said. "My kids were terrified and crying. I was questioned all night by different interrogators and then thrown alone into a cell." She was held in solitary confinement in the prison of the feared internal intelligence service, with only a blanket and a cup that often had to serve as a lavatory. For the first six nights, she was taken to a basement where interrogators demanded that she admit to organising the protests, and also that she identify co-conspirators on a list of names they put to her. "When I wouldn't do what they wanted, they slapped me. But after the sixth night, the routine changed. I was left alone in a small dark room with two men. One was the assistant prosecutor and called himself Amiri. The other had a filthy mouth and said terrible things. They started slapping me again. For the rest of the night they did to me what no woman should ever experience. Amiri said, 'I'm going to hang you, but before I hang you, I will make an example of you so that no woman will dare to open her mouth here again'." He then sexually assaulted her. When she asked Amiri how he could act like that, he told her that only Islam and clerical rule were important to him. The attack left her badly bruised and bleeding internally, but she refused to sign the papers they put before her. To her assailants' fury, she demanded to see a lawyer and cited international treaties on human rights. The following night they did not sexually molest her again as she was still bleeding - and hence "unclean". Instead, they told her that they would kill her children by setting them on fire before her eyes. Finally, she admits, she cracked. "I threw myself at Amiri's feet and begged him not to harm my children. I said I'd do anything they wanted. Whatever they wanted, I would sign." She admitted to conspiring against the regime by giving interviews to the foreign media and leading the protests, but said that she did not implicate others. After several more nights in solitary confinement, Miss Tolouee was moved to a general women's prison, where she saw horrendous festering wounds inflicted by lashings on other detainees. Trying to maintain her dignity and strength, she taught the women about their basic human rights and helped to secure the provision of sanitary supplies for the first time. "We had a great feeling of camaraderie," she recalled. Miss Tolouee was released on bail after 66 days in jail because, she said, "The regime had got what it wanted". But she still feared for her children's lives and decided to flee. She made it first to neighbouring Turkey with Nima and then her daughter Shima, 14, was smuggled out to join them. Fearful of the reach of regime agents, who have killed exiled dissidents, an opposition group called the Alliance of Iranian Women helped them to reach the United States last month. Miss Tolouee has been granted political asylum and intends to maintain her campaign against Teheran. She still has relatives in Iran - she does not want to go into details for reasons of security - but says that they have given her their blessing to speak out, despite the possible consequences. The world's attention is currently focused on Iran's nuclear ambitions under its hardline president, Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, who came to office while Miss Tolouee was in prison. But inside Iran, she says, little has changed. "Sometimes the regime seems a bit better, sometimes a bit worse, but for the people of Iran, the suffering continues," she said.

SELECTED RCI NEWSBRIEFS reported that 34 nations kicked off a large military exercise in Turkey to practice intercepting weapons before they reach a country like Iran.
World reported that Iran aims to form an axis of powerful nations against the United States. Maj. Gen. Yahya Rahim Safavi said the alliance would include nuclear powers. "China, Russia, India and Iran are capable of establishing a pole of major powers in Asia, opposing the policies of America."
Charles Krauthammer, New York Daily News argued why direct talks between the US and Iran would be a huge mistake.
Eli Lake, The New York Sun reported that while foreign ministers met in London to finalize measures to persuade the Iranian regime to suspend uranium enrichment, the country's ruling clerics will be facing the most determined opposition they have seen in three years. A must read.
Iran Press News reported on the anti-regime slogans in the protest gathering of students in Tehran University campus. A must read.
Rooz Online reported that during the week that just ended, Iranian society expressed its concealed and suppressed feelings and senses through three major events. Events that revealed the deep tornado that is buried deep in a nation.
More Photos of the anti-government protests at an Iranian university.
Iran Press News reported that the secretary-general of a terrorist organization of the Islamic regime said: "Hezbollah cells are being dispatched throughout the world and being prepped to face crisis".
Michael Ledeen, National Review Online argued that if you want to know what the mullahs want you to think, just read the “reporting” by the Washington Post’s own Karl Vick.