An Internet poll sponsored by NewsMax.com reveals that more than nine out of 10 Americans believe the New York Times should be prosecuted for disclosing a secret U.S. program that tracked financial transactions of terror suspects.
A huge majority of respondents also think the Bush administration’s surveillance programs to fight terrorism are justified even if they infringe on civil liberties.
Another disturbing fact is that most NewsMax readers would allow civil liberties to be curtailed to help the government fight terrorism.
NewsMax will provide the results of this poll to major media and share them with radio talk show hosts across the country.
Here are the poll questions and results:
1) Was the New York Times wrong in reporting about a secret U.S. program that tracked financial transactions of terror suspects?
Wrong: 94 percent Not Wrong: 6 percent
2) Should the New York Times be prosecuted for their disclosures of this program?
Yes: 93 percent No: 7 percent
3) Do you believe the government should be allowed to obtain financial records without a court approved warrant?
Yes: 80 percent No: 20 percent
4) Are you willing to give up, even partially, your civil liberties to help stop terrorism?
Yes: 84 percent No: 16 percent
5) Do you believe the Bush administration’s wiretapping and other surveillance programs are justified even if they infringe on civil liberties?
Justified: 92 percent Not justified: 8 percent
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